Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program

PSAAP word cloud image


The PSAAP-IV Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) has been released! Pre-applications are due June 27, 2024. See for details.

Please see the PSAAP-IV NOFO FAQ for answers to common questions.


The Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program (PSAAP) is the primary mechanism by which the NNSA’s ASC program engages the U.S. academic community in advancing science-based modeling and simulation.  In 2020, nine PSAAP III centers were established, focusing on three major integrated areas:

  • Discipline-focused research needed to further predictive science and enabled by effective Exascale computing technologies;
  • Developing and demonstrating technologies and methodologies to support effective Exascale computing in the context of science/engineering applications; and
  • Predictive Science based on verification and validation and uncertainty quantification (V&V/UQ) for large-scale simulations. 

Multi-disciplinary Simulation Centers (MSCs) and  Single-Discipline Centers (SDCs) focus on scalable application simulations, targeting either large-scale, integrated multidisciplinary problems or a broad single science/engineering discipline, respectively.  MSCs and SDCs develop and demonstrate computer science technologies and methodologies that will advance Exascale computing, and demonstrate integrated, verified, validated predictive simulation with uncertainty quantification.

Focused Investigatory Centers (FICs) are tightly focused on a specific research topic in either a science/engineering discipline, or an Exascale enabling technology, of interest to NNSA’s mission.



Multidisciplinary Simulation Centers


Single-Discipline Centers


Focused Investigatory Centers